Walker Wildmon, Chief Executive Officer of AFA Action (afaaction.net), is here to discuss the strange move by the Supreme Court to allow vaccine mandates on healthcare workers.
Walker Wildmon, Chief Executive Officer of AFA Action (afaaction.net), a division of American Family Association. He is also Vice President of Operations and Public Policy Analyst, American Family Association (AFA, www.afa.net). AFA has nearly 2 million constituents worldwide.
In light of the recent Supreme Court ruling that allows the vaccine mandate to remain in effect for healthcare workers, AFA Action is petitioning the Court to revisit the decision and hear the case again.
While the Supreme Court decided to overturn OSHA’s vaccine mandate for businesses with over 100 employees, the Court also ruled that Health and Human Services Secretary Xavier Becerra did have the authority to require all health care workers at institutions that receive Medicare and Medicaid funding to get the COVID-19 vaccine, unless they get medical or religious exemptions.
How does this mandate for health care workers violate their freedom of choice and rights of conscience?
Rob Chambers, Executive Vice President of AFA Action, stated: “[The Court’s] destructive opinion failed to shield healthcare workers from the federal mandate to get injected with the COVID-19 vaccine and boosters. It violates their freedom of choice and rights of conscience.”
Rob Chambers continued: “There is no factual basis to support the assertion that forcing a COVID-19 vaccine injection ‘will substantially reduce’ the chances of a healthcare worker becoming infectious. Such a notion is based on opinion, not scientific fact. For Chief Justice Roberts and Justice Kavanaugh to embrace this baseless assertion and use this fallacious information to uphold President Biden’s employer vaccine mandate for healthcare workers is a most egregious violation of justice and the rule of law.”
AFA Action is urging the U.S. Supreme Court to revisit this case which mandates COVID-19 vaccination for healthcare workers.
AFA Action also invites people to sign a petition for SCOTUS to reconsider this case.
People can view and sign the petition at: https://afaaction.net/take-action/2022/chief-justice-roberts-and-justice-kavanaugh-join-the-liberal-court-again/
AFA Action is a non-profit 501(c)(4) organization dedicated to advancing biblical, family values in society and government by educating and influencing public policy. The mission of AFA Action is to inform and mobilize individuals to strengthen the biblical foundations of America by persuading individuals with the truth of the Gospel, challenging the lost to repent, promoting societal values that are consistent with Scripture, restraining evil and exposing the works of darkness, motivating people to take a stand on cultural and moral issues, and encouraging Christians to bear witness to the world the love of Jesus Christ. Find AFA Action Alerts here.
American Family Association (AFA), a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization, was founded in 1977 by Donald E. Wildmon. Since then, AFA has been on the front lines of America’s culture war. The original name of the ministry was National Federation for Decency but was changed to American Family Association in 1988. Today, AFA is one of the largest and most effective pro-family organizations in the country with nearly a million online supporters and approximately 160,000 subscribers to the AFA Journal, the ministry’s monthly magazine. In addition, AFA owns and operates nearly 200 radio stations across the country under the American Family Radio banner.
Other divisions of AFA include American Family Radio, the AFA Foundation and OneNewsNow.com, an online news provider syndicated around the world. AFA maintains activist websites such as OneMillionMoms.com, which rallies Christian activists to contact companies asking them to drop their advertising from objectionable TV shows, and OneMillionDads.com, which equips men to fulfill their God-given role of leadership. AFA websites average over 6 million unique visitors and 30 million hits per year. AFA uses all these means to communicate an outspoken, resolute, Christian voice throughout America.
ACTION STATEMENT The American Family Association acts to: (1) restrain evil by exposing the works of darkness; (2) promote virtue by upholding in culture that which is right, true and good according to Scripture; (3) convince individuals of sin and challenge them to seek Christ’s grace and forgiveness; (4) motivate people to take a stand on cultural and moral issues at the local, state and national levels; and (5) encourage Christians to bear witness to the love of Jesus Christ as they live their lives before the world.
To that end, AFA spurs activism directed to:
Preservation of Marriage and the Family
Decency and Morality
Sanctity of Human Life
Media Integrity