The Seminole County School Board violated section 35:6 of Roberts Rules of Order on February 23rd, when they rescinded their votes for Mr. Chad Farnsworth, a white male with a successful resume in Public School leadership, as Seminole County's next Superintendent. The School Board then re casted their votes for Ms. Serita Beamon, an African American female with no education degree or experience in public school leadership, as next Superintendent.
School Board members made comments during this recorded meeting stating the reason for their decision was to elect a minority to the position; they did not consider qualifications or experience when making their final decision. I have filed a lawsuit against the Seminole County School Board as of 3/3/2021 citing the violations of procedures, and I am asking for parent contributions to cover legal expenses in our case. Any donations help.
Please join me in holding the School Board accountable for their decisions.
Blonde Patriot Brittany Walker is running point, contact her at for media requests.
What else can we do to hold SCPS accountable?